October 23, 2022 COMSTRAT

How Artificial Intelligence is improving Contact Centers and the Customer Experience

Artificial Intelligence

Even though the roll out of artificial intelligence (AI) has been challenging, it is rapidly becoming a game changer for vendors and clients who are getting it right. Below are some strategic areas now being addressed with AI solutions:

Smarter Self Servicing: At the front end, legacy IVRs and Automated Attendants are being replaced with smarter call routing tools and chatbots to deliver clients to the right resource and information in a more efficient manner. With more routine traffic and information requests offloaded, agents have more time to spend with clients on more complex or revenue-producing calls.

Improved Real Time Analytics: Firms are beginning to deploy AI tools to make better business decisions, improve client relations and provide better support for agent retention. Improved data visibility gives management the opportunity to get ahead of any emerging problems.

Sentiment: New options allow management and agents to better understand and respond to client mood and review responses considering emotional intelligence and how voice tone and cadence may be impacting successful call completion.

Single Image of the Customer Experience: Companies are working to integrate their CRM with interactions from other mediums, including live chat, email, phone, and social media. In the past, agents were limited in understanding a client’s past experience to resolve an issue or get information they needed. A full comprehensive picture of the customer experience can now drive a better outcome for client and agent.

Improved Agent Staffing: AI options may also reduce agent workload and improve agent retention. AI application deployment done properly can help companies refocus agent talent where needed, often reducing necessary head count while improving the overall client experience.

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Communication Strategies is a comprehensive voice and IT communication consulting services firm.