Who We Are
Communication Strategies is a comprehensive technology consulting services firm.
Established in 1987, Communication Strategies was formed with the idea of acting as a “client advocate” assisting in design, strategic planning, technology acquisition and project deployment. Our belief in client advocacy has driven our approach and success over the past 30+ years. The foundations of our business model have always been: Integrity, Experience and Expertise.
Communication Strategies is headquartered in California with offices in California, Colorado, Arizona and Pennsylvania.Communication Strategies is considered one the most experienced and well respected technology consulting companies in the United States.
Communication Strategies specializes in enterprise and government consulting services and project management. Our staff is dedicated to providing clients with optimized solutions to complex problems. We approach a project by understanding an organization’s goals and recognizing that a well-executed strategy and architecture are vital links for any successful project as integral members of each client’s project team, we work together to design solutions that solve business objectives.
Strategic Planning & Budget Validation
Many projects need to start with the development of a business case justification. During this phase Communication Strategies will conduct a review of and document business functional and operational requirements. Our team will then identify a slate of going forward options that could include doing nothing, upgrading existing platform and platform replacement. A Gap Analysis will be conducted measuring each scenario against business requirements. A Total Cost of Ownership and Pro/Con analysis will also be conducted for each scenario. The ultimate deliverable will be a strategic report that will become the basis for a business case justification.
Discovery & Needs Assessment RFX
If the strategic plan has been created, we can leverage information gathered to generate procurement documentation, whether that be an RFP, RFQ, RFI, or pre-negotiated agency contract. In the event the strategic plan phase has been bypassed, the discovery steps are added to this phase. The deliverable is a procurement document that will generate proposals from relevant solution providers. Communication Strategies will work with our clients existing vendors and contacts. and suggest additional potential providers to create a well-rounded bidder pool.
Evaluation & Vendor Selection
Communication Strategies breadth and depth of market knowledge and experience, and our well-developed business processes, allow us to evaluate and rate each of the competing solutions against stated business requirements using a sophisticated weighting and scoring system. The deliverable will be a solid recommendation with the due diligence documentation to support it.
Project Oversight & Subject Matter Expertise
Selecting the best platform, from the best solution provider is a critical step, however the ultimate project success will be judged on overall satisfaction with platform deployment. Communication Strategies will work with resources on both the client and vendor team, to identify additional areas of need. This can include ensuring the vendor follows best practices during the design/build/installation phases as well as assisting in constructing, carrying out and remediation of a user acceptance plan. Our role in this phase can expand or contract as the need dictates, and will help ensure project success.

Chuck Vondra
Principal, Senior Consultant

Kerry L. McLachlan
Director, Business Development

Jim Liska
Manager, Business Development

Nicolas Olivares
Director of Projects, Senior Consultant

Lloyd Halvorsen
Project Manager, Senior Consultant

Jean Paul Merlaud
Senior Consultant

Brian Hodges
Senior Consultant

Peter Bologna
Senior Consultant